.. _abl_neutral_example: Atmospheric Boundary Layer - Neutral ------------------------------------ This case is a large-eddy simulation of a neutral atmospheric boundary layer. The case uses periodic boundary conditions on the sides (east, west, north, south), a wall-model in the bottom wall and a stress free boundary condition at the top of the domain. A proportional controller is used to drive the velocity at a given height. The controller adjusts the forcing at each time-step to match a given planar average velocity at a given height. More information about the controller can be found in :ref:`abl_forcing_term`. It takes about 10,000 [s] for the the turbulence to develop. The example runs for 20,000 [s]. Step by step instructions to run the case ========================================= 1. Load the appropriate Nalu environment. This requires loading the libraries and Python environment as described in :ref:`examples_environment`. For users on Peregrine the function defined in :ref:`peregrine_environment` should suffice:: nalu_env 2. Go to the directory where the case is:: cd nalu-wind/examples/abl_neutral/ 3. Modify the ``setup.yaml`` file to include all the necessary simulation parameters. 4. Run the executable and provide the ``setup.yaml`` file as input:: ../nalu_input_fileX -s setup.yaml For users on Peregrine, now copy the executables to the case directory:: cp /projects/windsim/nalu-wind-executables/* . 5. Generate the mesh:: ./abl_mesh -i abl_preprocess.yaml 6. Generate the initial condition:: ./nalu_preprocess -i abl_preprocess.yaml 7. Run the nalu executable:: mpirun -np 600 naluX -i abl_simulation.yaml In this example 600 processors are used, but any number of processors could be used. Target 50K elements per core for choosing number of MPI cores. Post-processing =============== Nalu's output is generated at runtime. The ``abl_plots.py`` Python script is used to plot simulation results. The script will load the plane-averaged statistics and plot them as function of time and height. To run the script, load the Python environment if needed, and run the Python script:: python abl_plots.py