Invoking Nalu-Wind - Command-line options ----------------------------------------- Nalu-Wind's runtime behavior can be controlled by using several command line input options during invocation. Users can invoke ``-h`` to determine the various options available. .. program:: naluX .. option:: -h, --help Print the help message describing all Nalu-Wind options and exit .. option:: -i, --input-deck Use the filename provided as the input file. If this option is not provided, :program:`naluX` will attempt to load a file called :file:`nalu.i` in the current working directory as the input file. .. option:: -o, --log-file The log file where the output generated by Nalu-Wind is directed to. If no file is provided, then :program:`naluX` will use the base name of the Nalu-Wind input file with the extension ``.log`` as the output file. For example, if :program:`naluX` was invoked as ``naluX -i ABL.neutral.i`` then the output will be redirected to a file named :file:`ABL.neutral.log`. Note that the file is overwritten if it already exists. .. option:: -v, --version Print the Nalu-Wind version string. .. option:: -p, --pprint Enable parallel printing from all MPI ranks. .. option:: -D, --debug Enable verbose debug printing to log file.